Paper dining goods
These are leftovers from various things we've hosted. But we have plenty of regular dishes and cloth napkins, so we don't need to keep the paper versions. They've just been taking up space in our house, but I'm sure someone else could use them. I'm just going to count the whole lot as one item.
Miller coaster
We have a variety of coasters from breweries we love. We also have this one. We like to drink good beer, so I don't know how this one wound up in our collection. It's something we can easily let go.
Bead strands 1 and 2
At my sister-in-law's bachelorette party, we all wore strands of beads in her wedding colors. Because so few occasions in life call for wearing strands of shiny beads, I won't use these again. But I'm sure somebody could.
Plaid vest
My husband wore this to a party where the theme was basically to wear as many prints or patterns as possible. He got this plaid vest at a thrift store as a way to add an extra print. I actually like vests on men, but this one is cut strangely. It comes so far in at the shoulders that it's reminiscent of a halter top. So, back to the thrift store it goes.
Plaid shirt
This is one of those items that just doesn't make the cut of clothes I'll be keeping. It fits, and I love the colors, but I rarely wear shirts with collars. And I hardly ever wore this. I know someone else would get much more use out of it.
Ironing starch
The people who sold this house left behind various cleaning supplies in a hall closet. We've since used most of those up, but not this. As I've mentioned before, I don't iron. And my husband has never used this. So we don't need to keep it around.
Progress: 184 items out of 400 = 46% done.