Saturday, October 22, 2011

Week Forty, Items 371-378

Various magazines, 24-28

Still not quite done going through magazines. I hadn't finished reading these tech and environment issues, but now I have, and I don't need to keep them. I think this brings me to 65 magazines. 65! They really do add up quickly.

George Carlin book

I like George Carlin, for the most part, but I already have one of his books. This pocket-sized book is a collection of some of his most famous bits, but it basically just duplicates what's in the book I already have. Plus, this is kind of a novelty item, and—shot glasses aside—I don't care for those.

Pair of Cheer Stix

Once again with the novelty items. These were handed out at a sporting event and, as you can see, I didn't use them. On a somewhat related note, I wish companies would realize that intentionally spelling words incorrectly makes them look desperate and sad, not edgy and interesting (or whatever it is they're going for).

Nail polish 9

I love the color of this polish, but the formula is really thin. It's still sheer after two coats. I don't like the look of sheer nail polish, and I don't have the patience to use three coats, so this is not for me.

Progress: 378 items out of 400 = 94.5 percent done.


  1. I like your humor. I reposted this on Facebook because I always find inspiration in what you pick to go at your house. Will you continue to pare down when finished with this project?

  2. Aw, thanks so much! I will definitely continue to pare down after I hit 400 items. I'm only 15 items away, so I'm going to spend some time this weekend thinking of what my new goal will be.
