Saturday, March 26, 2011

Week Ten, Items 81-87

Scrabble card game

One thing I've noticed is that we have a bunch of things that serve only one purpose. (It reminds me of wedding registry checklists that tried to tell us that we needed an apple slicer, an avocado slicer and a mango slicer, instead of just, you know, a knife.) This is one such item, and I want to concentrate on reducing the number of them that we have.

Handheld games 1 and 2

Two more single-purpose items we don't need. I loved watching Wheel of Fortune as a kid (largely for Vanna White's dresses), but that doesn't mean I need to keep a handheld version of the game. I hadn't seen these in ages, and didn't even remember that we had them (look how dusty they are!). That definitely means we can part with these.

Extra windshield cover

This goes on a windshield to cover it up in case of snow or ice. But because we only have one car, we don't need to keep this one. (Seattle winters are generally quite mild, anyway, and a quick scraping or dusting will suffice. I'm so glad I don't live in a place with real winters!)

Napkin sets 1 and 2

These came in a gift basket we got. While the other contents of the basket—including wine and chocolate—were very much appreciated, we won't use these. We have enough cloth napkins that we can use those when we have guests over (though—don't tell!—not all of them match).

Pinstriped capris

These would work in an office setting during the spring and summer, but I work from home and dress casually most of the time (note: casual ≠ sloppy). Should I need to dress professionally on a warm day, I have plenty of other options—I much prefer skirts or dresses to capris when it's warm, anyway. I don't need these, and someone else could get good use out of them.

Progress: 87 out of 400 items = 21.75% done.


  1. I often wonder who headbands were made for, that pinch behind the ears and they always seem to look better on someone else. Am curious, do all your choices make you think twice about buying new items now?

  2. They look really cute on, don't they? I just can't put up with the pinching! I'm not in the camp of people who are willing to suffer for fashion, I suppose.

    I definitely think through my purchases far more than I used to! Between my year participating in The Great American Apparel Diet, and these past few months of decluttering, I don't buy much other than food anymore. I didn't even buy anything on a recent trip! I just don't find myself really wanting stuff anymore, which is great.
