Saturday, January 15, 2011


Last year, I participated in The Great American Apparel Diet. It's a great project during which participants go one year without buying new clothes. When I completed that, I was energized and itching to continue simplifying my life. I had realized that I simply own too many things; I mean, I went a year without buying new clothes and still didn't wear everything I own. (I'm kind of ashamed to admit that, honestly.)

I decided that getting rid of seven items a week seemed like a reasonable goal. Some things will inevitably be thrown out, but I'll donate items or give them away via Freecycle whenever possible.

Inspired by a friend who made a similar goal, I decided to start a blog to track my progress. I hope you enjoy reading along!


  1. Hi Trista! This is so inspirational. I'm excited to see your progress!

  2. Thanks so much! I just made it past 250 items. I'm really noticing a difference and I love it!
